(App) Advanced Network Settings

From within the Bond Home application you have options to set parameters for both the WiFi and Ethernet (Bond Bridge Pro only) connections.

  1. From within the Bond home application, select the bond device you would like to make changes.
  2. Select Advanced.
  3. Select Network Info.
  4. The current network settings are displayed.
  5. Select Change Wi-Fi (A in image below) to change to a different WiFi network from the list of available 2.4GHZ networks detected.
  6. Select Advanced network settings (B in image above) to display additional settings.
    1. **Note**only the Bond Bridge Pro will display Ethernet settings.  The Bond Bridge and all Smart By Bond (SBB) controlled devices will only display WiFi.
  7. To Change the WiFi network you are connected to, select Change Wi-Fi (letter A in image below) and select a different WiFi network from the list of available 2.4GHZ networks detected.
  8. To change how the device obtains the IP address select IP (letters B and D in the image below).
    1. Select Static and enter the information for IP, Gateway, and Netmask and select Save.  The DHCP information is already listed so if you are going to use that same information just select Save.mceclip2.png
  9. To change the DNS information select DNS (letters C and E in the image above).
    1. Select Manual and enter the primary and secondary DNS information.  Select Save for this change to be effective.
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