(Bond Bridge & Pro) Center ring colors


Setup Related

Center ring Color and pattern Function
section_1.gif 3 or 4 White on indicate the Bond is starting up.  If this does not change after 1 minute, please remove power, wait 30 seconds and restore power.  If still in this state please reach out to customer service.
Colored.png Solid green indicates connected to Ethernet.  This only applies to the Bond Bridge Pro that is in setup mode.
Green_setup.gif Flashing green indicates the Bond is in WiFi setup mode.
Pulsing_blue.gif Pulsing blue indicates the Bond is connecting to WiFi.
orange.png Solid orange indicates the connection to Wifi failed.  All 5 of the led units are on.
cloud_connecting.gif Spinning blue indicates connecting to Bond cloud.
Connected.gif Solid Blue indicates the Bond is connected to Wifi and the cloud.
Red.png Solid red  Try removing power, wait 30 seconds and restore power.  If still in this state please reach out to customer service.


Operation and Programming

Transmitting.gif Quick flashing blue indicates transmitting signal.


Slow flashing blue indicates scanning for remote signal.
Failed_Scan.gif Quick flashing orange indicates remote signal wasn't detected during programming.
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