(Bond Bridge & Pro) Changing a device name

Bond Bridge and Bond Bridge Pro

  1. In the Bond home application, make sure you are viewing devices. This is located in the lower left of the application.
  2. Select the Bond Bridge or Pro in the Bond Home application.
  3. Select Name.
    1. You also can change the location name here.
  4. Change to the new name.
  5. Selected OK.

Device names for Shades, Fans and others programmed to the Bond.

  1. In the Bond home application, make sure you are viewing devices. This is located in the lower left of the application.
  2. Select the device you want to change the name.
  3. Select the Settings menu at the top right.
  4. Select Name.
    1. You also can change the location name here.
  5. Change to the new name.
  6. Selected OK.
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