(Bond Bridge and Pro) How to reboot your Bond Bridge product

If you need to reboot (restart) your Bond Bridge or Bond Bridge Pro, this is done by removing power, letting the unit sit for 30 seconds and restoring power.

Bond Bridge

  1. Remove power by unplugging the USB cable from the back of the unit.
  2. Wait 30 seconds.
  3. Plug the USB plug back into the back of the Bond Bridge.

The center ring can be different colors after the reboot depending on the status of the unit.  Please see the link below for information on center ring colors.

Center ring colors

Bond Bridge Pro

  1. Remove power by unplugging the USB cable and or ethernet cable from the back of the unit.
    1. If using PoE there will only be the ethernet cable.
  2. Wait 30 seconds.
  3. Plug the USB plug, ethernet cable if using PoE, back into the back of the Bond Bridge Pro.

The center ring can be different colors after the reboot depending on the status of the unit.  Please see the link below for information on center ring colors.

Center ring colors

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