(SBB) Adding and Managing Remotes

Pairing a remote that is used with a SBB ceiling fan does not require you to power the fan off at the switch or breaker.

  1. Check the manual that comes with your fan or remote to see if there are any switches on the remote that need to be set to make the fan / remote paring unique.  This many be a switch in the battery compartment as illustrated in this mceclip9.png image.
  2. Select the Smart by Bond fan in Bond Home application.
  3. Select Settings.
    1. mceclip1.png in iOS version of the Bond Home application.
    2. mceclip2.png in the Android version of the Bond Home application.
  4. Select Advanced Settings.
  5. Select Manage Remotes.
    1. You will see all "Learned" remotes. with an option to learn another one.
  7. If you have reached the maximum number of remotes that can be learned, a message will be displayed.
    1. Select YES to continue.
  8. Instructions for learning your remote are presented with a count down timer.  Please make sure to press the requested remote button prior to the timer reaching zero.
    1. If your remote does not have POWER, please use the STOP button.
  9. Once learned select DONE.
    1. If the remote was not successfully learned, you will see the message below.
    2. Select DONE.
    3. Select LEARN A NEW REMOTE.
      1. Make sure you are close to the fan and are pressing the correct button on the remote when trying again.




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