(Bond Bridge & Pro) Using the Virtual Remote Control

Select motors have a Virtual Remote Control when using a Bond Bridge and Pro.


Using the Virtual Remote Control (VRC)

The Virtual Remote Control is designed to provide basic control of the shade plus some programming functions.  Using the Virtual Remote Control eliminates the need to find the actual remote for these functions.

  1. Select the shade with VRC capabilities from the Bond Home application
  2. Select the option menu at the top right of the application.
  3. Select Virtual Remote Control

    1. You can control the associated shade using the movement buttons.
      1. Shade motor control is possible using the control buttons illustrated below.  You can use these to control movement just like the actual remote control.

 Shade Programming

        1. You can do select programming functions like setting limits, changing motor directions, and pairing another remote following the motor manufacturer instructions using the Virtual Remote Control.
          1. For select motors, choosing the Sidekick Manual at the bottom will bring up instructions for pairing, setting top and bottom limits, pairing process for additional remotes, and reversing motor direction.  If your motor is not listed, please consult the motor manual on how to preform these functions.

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