(APP) Bond Widget
In order to add widgets, you must first setup the Bond and add your devices. If you have not done that, please do so before proceeding to the next step. Android Widget Creating a Widget 1. From you...
(APP) How to find the Bond Serial Number
The Bond serial number or Bond ID is alphanumeric and can be on the Bond hardware and in the Bond Home application after being set up. Hardware Locations Hardware locations Bond Bridge T...
(APP) How to find the App version on the Bond Home Application.
The Bond Home Application version can be found within the app. Location for Android and iOS Open the Bond Home application. Select the Settings icon located at the bottom right of the application...
(Bond Bridge) How to determine an IR or RF remote.
The Bond Bridge supports devices that are controlled by RF remotes within the radio frequency range of 300-450mhz for RF and IR devices that use 38kHz OOK modulation. IR Remote Most IR remote does...