Bond Bridge - Can I use multiple phones / tablets to control one Bond
YES you can! Each phone will have to sign into the same account using the same credentials in order to gain access to the Bond. We are taking security seriously and therefore only smart phone/ ta...
Amazon / Amazon Prime
We are on Amazon. Please make sure the seller is Amazon or Olibra when purchasing through Amazon. Buy on Amazon
(Bond Bridge & Pro) Remote recorded manually do not have a dimmer
When a remote is recorded and can not be found in the bond database each function needs to be recorded manually. Currently in this scenario the Dimmer function can not be created. Dimmer is populat...
(Bond Bridge and Pro) Order related Questions
Customer support for order-related issues is available between 10:00 AM - 6:30 PM EST 7 days a week.
Bond Bridge - 2.4GHz remotes are not supported
The current Bond Bridge and Pro do not support 2.4GHz remotes. *We do not have any information nor a timeframe as to when a product will be developed to support 2.4GHz remotes. If you haven't alrea...
Home Depot
We have partnered with HOME DEPOT and the BOND is featured on HOME Depot online Bond Bridge at Home Depot.
(Bond Bridge & Pro) Returns
Returns are handled by the seller where you purchased your Bond product. If you have purchased the Bond on our website please send an E-mail to customerservice@bondhome.io with the following inform...
(App) How do I set Alexa to work with my bond
Bond has a skill that works with in the Alexa SMART HOME SKILL which comes with every Alexa echo. You need to go to your Alexa app and search for the Bond HOME skill. Once you download the skill, ...
Bond Bridge - Can not find my home WIFI network
When you set up the Bond you need to choose a network that both your smart device (phone, tablet) and your Bond will connect to. It is important to note the Bond device must connect to a 2.4ghz net...
Bond Bridge - Is it possible to connect to 5GHz WIFI
Currently the BOND can only connect to 2.4GHz WIFI routers which is covered by most WIFI routers today.