Want help setting up your Bond Bridge on your Android or iOS phone? This document will help you.
***Important note***
These instructions are based on Bond Home application 2.47 and above.
Select the Acrobat (pdf) icon for a downloadable version you can print.
Setting up on an (Android) Device 
Adding a Device with a remote (Android)
Adding and using Widgets (Android)
Setup (Android)
The Bond Home application requires the Android device to be on version 6 or greater.
- Make sure that you have a stable and working wireless network.
- Plug the Bond into an outlet.
- The Bond center ring light will be white while the Bond is in boot up mode.
- The Bond center ring light will be flashing green when the Bond is ready to be used. If the Bond light ring is not flashing green, try performing a WiFi (Green) reset. https://olibra.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002787731-bond-bridge-How-to-connect-to-a-new-WiFI-network-using-the-Green-WiFi-Reset?product=bond-bridge
*** Important note ***
If the Bond center ring light is red or solid white, contact customer service at customerservice@bondhome.io.
- Download the Bond application at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.olibra.bondapp&hl=en
- Open the Bond Home application.
- If you already have a Bond account, simply log in and continue to the next step. If you do not have a Bond account, press Create Account and enter your name, email, and a password and click Create Account.
- Once logged in, click the + sign at the bottom (middle) part of your application screen.
- You can read the QR code on the back of the Bond Bridge using the QR option at the lower part of the screen. This will move you to step 11.
- Choose Bond Bridge if not using the QR code option.
- Once you are on the setup screen, select Continue.
- Select your Bond Config WiFi (Bond serial number) shown under nearby devices. If you are unable to connect to the Bond Config WiFi, please follow the procedure in https://olibra.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000320952-bond-bridge-Can-t-Connect-to-BOND-WiFi-Web-user-Interface?product=bond-bridge to manually connect the Bond to your account.
- If a Firmware update is available, select Update.
- After the update completes, you will need to select the Bond config WiFi again.
- Enter the Location of the Bond Device.
- Enter a name for your Bond Device.
- Select Continue.
- Select the network you wish to connect to and enter the network password. If you do not see your network, refresh the list by pulling the list down and releasing it.
- If connecting to a Hidden network.
- With Bond Bridges having serial numbers starting with A or B
- Select OTHER in the WiFi network List
- Enter the name of the WiFi network
- The MAC address of the router or access point
- The password
- With Bond Bridges having serial numbers starting with Z
- Select OTHER in the WiFi network List
- Enter the name of the WiFi network
- The password
- With Bond Bridges having serial numbers starting with A or B
- If connecting to a Hidden network.
- Once connected to your network, the Bond center ring light will turn blue.
*** Important note ***
If the Bond is unable to connect to your WiFi network, the Bond center ring light will turn orange. Please try the following:
- Make sure you are correctly entering your password.
- Try a WiFi reset and try the setup process again.
- Try resetting your WiFi router.
- Unplug your Bond, wait 30 seconds, and plug it back in.
- If you are still having issues connecting to WiFi, please contact us at customerservice@bondhome.io.
Adding a new device with a remote (Android)
Important Note: Please make sure that the physical remote controls the device before programming to your Bond Bridge.
- From the Device screen on the bond home application, click the + sign at the bottom (middle) of the application.
- Choose a device. We are using ceiling fan in this example.
- Ceiling fan and Light will have an additional option for Smart and Non Smart. Select No, My device is not smart, I need a Bridge to have the Bridge duplicate your remote signals.
- All other devices and smart fans and lights will start the adding device process in the application.
- Choose your Bond for Non (SBB) Smart devices.
- If a Bridge is not compatible, you will not be able to select it.
- If a Bridge is not compatible, you will not be able to select it.
- Set Device Name & location.
- Select Continue.
- Choose the function/button that best represents the function of your remote to be programmed into the bond – i.e. Power On/Off, Speed, Light, etc.
*** Important Note***
If your remote is an IR remote, please select “Advanced Settings”, change Signal Type to IR and click Save.
- Begin the scanning process on the application by following the on-screen instructions and selecting Start.
- Aim your remote at the Bond and press the button repeatedly until the Bond center ring light turns green. Please have the remote about 2 feet away from the Bond.
- Once the Bond center ring lights turn blue, you will be asked to choose your remote from a list of remotes that matched the signal. Test them and select the best fit.
- Select “Use this remote”.
- Select Done.
*** Important note ***
If you were unable to program your remote please try the following:
- Try changing the remote batteries.
- Instead of repeatedly pressing the function, try pressing and holding the function.
- Get closer (1 foot) or further away (4 feet) from the Bond and try again.
- Try pointing the remote directly at the Bond front or sides when recording.
- The front part of the Bond unit is opposite the USB port.
- Go back to step 7 for choosing a command and try recording a different function.
- If unsuccessful, power cycle the Bond by unplugging it, and plugging it back in after 30 seconds.
- If you are still unable to program your remote, please contact us at customerservice@bondhome.io.
Adding and using Widgets (Android)
- On your Android device Home screen press and hold to bring home screen options.
- Select Widgets.
- Select Bond 3x2.
- DO NOT USE Bond 1x1 as this is for the older Bond Bridge application.
- DO NOT USE Bond 1x1 as this is for the older Bond Bridge application.
- Select the Bond device for Widget control.
- Select the functions for the Bond device you want to control through the widget.
- Select the check mark to finalize.
- When you want to control a Bond Home device select the function you want from the widget.
- You will see a green bar moving at the top indicating the command is being executed.
- If the bar is RED it indicates the command was not processed. Please confirm there is power to the Bond Bridge or SBB device and try again.
- If you are still having an issue with widget control, please contact us at customerservice@bondhome.io.
- You will see a green bar moving at the top indicating the command is being executed.
**Important Note**
The widget does not indicate the true state of the device. If you have Trust Tracked State turned on for a Bond Bridge device it is still functioning.
Setting up on an (iOS) Device 
Adding a Device (iOS)
Siri shortcuts (iOS)
Widgets (iOS)
Setup (iOS)
- Make sure that you have a stable and working wireless network.
- Plug the Bond into an outlet.
- The Bond center ring light will be white while the bond is in boot up mode.
- The Bond center ring light will be flashing green when the Bond is ready to be used. If the Bond light ring is not flashing green, try performing a WiFi (Green) reset. https://olibra.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002787731-bond-bridge-How-to-connect-to-a-new-WiFI-network-using-the-Green-WiFi-Reset?product=bond-bridge
*** Important note ***
If the Bond center ring light is red or white, please contact customer service at customerservice@bondhome.io.
- Download the Bond Home application at https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bond-home/id1447691811
- Open the Bond Home application.
- If you already have a Bond account, simply log in and continue to the next step. If you do not have a Bond account, press Create Account and enter your name, email, and a password and click Create Account.
- Once logged in, click the + sign on the upper right corner of your application screen.
- You can read the QR code on the back of the Bond Bridge or Pro using the QR option at the bottom of the screen. This will move you to step 12.
- Choose Bond Bridge if not scanning the QR code.
- Once you are on the setup screen, select Continue.
- Go to your settings, select WiFi, and connect to the Bond Config network. It should look like Bond Config followed by the Bond serial number. If you are unable to connect to the Bond Config WiFi, please use the procedure in https://olibra.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000320952-Can-t-Connect-to-BOND-WiFi-Web-user-Interface to manually connect the Bond to your account.
(Note: When your iOS device is connected to the Bond Config network, it is normal for it to display a message indicating that there is "no internet connection.") - After selecting the Bond serial number, go back to the Bond Home application.
- If a Firmware update is available, select Update.
- Once the update completes, please acknowledge the connection to the Bond config network if requested.
- Enter the location of the Bond device.
- Enter a name for your Bond device.
- Select Continue.
- Select the network you wish to connect to and enter the network password. If you do not see your network, refresh the list by pulling the list down and releasing it.
- If connecting to a Hidden network.
- With Bond Bridges having serial numbers starting with A or B
- Select OTHER in the WiFi network List
- Enter the (SSID) name of the WiFi network
- The MAC address of the router or access point
- Enter the password
- With Bond Bridges having serial numbers starting with Z
- Select OTHER in the WiFi network List
- Enter the (SSID) name of the WiFi network
- Enter the password
- With Bond Bridges having serial numbers starting with A or B
- If connecting to a Hidden network.
- Once connected to your network, the Bond center ring light will turn blue.
*** Important note ***
If the bond is unable to connect to your WiFi network, the Bond center ring light will turn orange. Please try the following:
- Make sure you are correctly entering your password.
- Try a WiFi reset and try the setup process again.
- Try resetting your WiFi router.
- Unplug your Bond, wait 30 seconds, and plug it back in.
- If you are still having issues connecting to WiFi, please contact us at customerservice@bondhome.io.
Adding a New device (iOS)
Important Note: Please make sure that the physical remote controls the device before programming to your Bond Bridge.
- From the “My Devices” screen on the bond home app., click the + sign on the upper right corner of the Bond Home application.
- Choose a device. This example shows a ceiling fan.
- Ceiling fan and Light will have an additional option for Smart and Non Smart. Select No, My device is not smart, I need a Bridge to have the Bridge duplicate your remote signals.
- All other devices and smart fans and lights will start the adding device process in the application.
- Choose your Bond for Non (SBB) Smart devices.
- If a Bridge is not compatible, you will not be able to select it.
- If a Bridge is not compatible, you will not be able to select it.
- Set Device Name & location.
- Select Continue.
- Choose the function/button that best represents the function of your remote to be programmed into the bond – i.e. Power On/Off, Speed, Light, etc.
*** Important Note***
If your remote is an IR remote, please select “Advanced Settings”, change Signal Type to IR and click Save.
- Begin the scanning process on the application by following the on-screen instructions and selecting Start.
- Aim your remote at the Bond and press the button repeatedly until the Bond center ring light turns green. Please have the remote about 2 feet away from the Bond.
- Once the Bond center ring lights turn blue, you will be asked to choose your remote from a list of remotes that matched the signal. Test them and select the best fit.
- Select “Use this remote”.
- Select Done.
*** Important note ***
If you were unable to program your remote please try the following:
- Try changing the remote batteries.
- Instead of pressing and holding the function, try pressing the function repeatedly.
- Get closer (1 foot) or further away (4 feet) from the Bond and try again.
- Try pointing the remote directly at the Bond front or sides when recording.
- The front part of the Bond unit is opposite the USB port.
- Go back to step 4 for choosing a command and try recording a different function.
- If unsuccessful, power cycle the Bond by unplugging it, and plugging it back in after 30 seconds.
- If you are still unable to program your remote, please contact us at customerservice@bondhome.io.
Siri Shortcuts
The link below will open a new tab with a video for setting up and using Siri shortcuts.
***Important Note***
The Siri shortcuts will only work on iOS devices using software version 13 and above.
iOS Widgets
- In order to add widgets to the Today View, you must first setup the Bond and add your devices. If you have not done that, please do so before proceeding to the next step.
- Swipe right to Today View and scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Edit".
- While in Edit mode (apps shaking), scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Customize."
- On "Add Widgets" page, add the Bond widget then select Done.
- On the Bond iOS widget, tap to manage widgets. (This should lead you to open the Today Widget feature in the Bond Home application).
- In "Today Widget" feature in the Bond Home application, select a Bond device you wish to add as a widget by using the toggle button left of the Bond device.
- Exit the Bond Home application, and swipe to the Today view again. Your Bond iOS widgets should be added in the Today View.
If you would like to add additional Bond devices to the widget select Manage Widgets.
a. You can also add commands from the Today Widget menu located in the settings menu for the Bond device.
Special Settings
State Tracking
Adjusting the Center Ring Brightness
State Tracking
What is State Tracking?
This applies to a device (ceiling fan light that only has a Light Toggle RF signal), not discrete ON/OFF signal. This can create a problem where you ask Alexa, Google to turn a fan light ON when it is already ON, and the Bond then will send the toggle signal which will actually turn the device OFF.
Our solution to this problem is, to keep track of the state of the device on our server, and do not send the Toggle signal if we think the device is already in the requested state.
***Important Note*** If you are using the remote along with the BOND application and or an integration, you may not want to use this feature as the Bond belief state may not be correct
How to Enable it
Steps below are for a ceiling fan with a toggle for the light.
- In the Bond home application select the fan device with the toggle light.
- Select settings at the top right of the fan device.
- Select Device settings for iOS and Settings for Android.
- Select Advanced Settings for iOS and Advanced for Android.
- Slide the switch to the right to enable the Trust for Tracked Light State.
- To confirm the setting is turned on.
- Go back to fan controls for the device.
- Exit back to the main Bond Home application screen.
- Select the fan device.
- Select Settings at the top right.
- Select Device settings for iOS and Settings for Android.
- Select Advanced Settings for iOS and Advanced for Android.
- To confirm the setting is turned on.
Change the Tracked State
If the actually state of the fan light is different from the application state, you can change it by following the steps below.
- In the Bond Home application select the fan device with the toggle light.
- Select settings at the top right of the fan device.
- Select Device settings for iOS and Settings for Android.
- Select Advanced Settings for iOS and Advanced for Android.
- Select Fix Track State.
- If the light is actually off but the application shows it is on (green circle for light) move the slider to the left and select Save.
- If the light is actually on but the application shows it off (no green circle for light) move the slider to the right and Select Save.
Adjusting the Center Ring Brightness
- Under My Bond Bridges, select the Bond you want to adjust.
- In the Bond Settings screen move the slider to the left to decrease the brightness. If all the way to the left the center ring will be off.
- Android
- iOS
- The adjustment is located under the firmware update. There is no label for the adjustment at this time.
- Android
Setting up and Using Amazon Echo
Moving from Bond Bridge (old) application to Bond Home (new) application and Using Amazon Echo
Alexa Voice Commands
Link Bond to Alexa Integration (Video)
Setting Up and Using Google Home
Google Voice Commands
Link Bond to Google Home Integration (Video)
Integration with the Smartthings Application
Setting up and Using Amazon Echo
- In order to connect Alexa and Bond, you need to create an account in the Bond app and connect it to your Alexa account. If you already have a Bond account, go to step 3.
- Open the Bond Home app. and select “Create account”. Enter your name, a password, and your email.
- Once a username and password are created, go to the Alexa application. Click more located menu on the bottom right corner of the screen and choose “Skills & Games”.
- Select search and type Bond Home into the search bar. Next, click on the Bond Home skill and choose to Enable the skill.
- You should be prompted to enter your Bond user and password to authenticate the Bond.
- You should see a “Discover Devices” pop up. Select the “Discover Devices” option. You should then see your devices listed in "All Devices" or the fan lights in "Lights" and "Switches" will list your fans. If your devices are not found, select "+" followed by "Add Device", "Other" and "Discover Devices". If that doesn’t work please try the following:
- Restart your Alexa device and the Bond.
- Disable and re-enable the skill for the BOND in the Alexa application.
- Download and install any software updates available for Alexa and Bond.
- Make sure Alexa, the device the Alexa application is on and the Bond are on a network that has a connection to the Internet.
*If you are still having trouble discovering your devices, please contact us at customerservice@bondhome.io.
***Important Note: How to interact with Alexa***
This LINK provides a full list of supported commands.
Support for Ceiling Fans:
- "Turn on/off <device name>"
- "Set <device name> to speed #"
- "Set <device name> to low/medium/high"
- "Set <device name> speed to <beaufort scale>"
- "Set <device name> to 0-100 percent"
- If Ceiling Fan has a light:
- "Alexa, turn on/off <device name> light"
- If the Alexa application only shows the on/off icon there is no dimming/brightness control.
- If the Alexa application only shows the on/off icon there is no dimming/brightness control.
- Brightness Control
- If the Alexa application shows on/off and a slider, you can set brightness by moving the slider or using the voice commands below.
- "Alexa, turn on/off <device name> light"
- "Alexa, increase <device name> light"
- "Alexa, increase <device name> light brightness"
- "Alexa, decrease <device name> light"
- "Alexa, increase <device name> light by 10%"
- "Alexa, decrease <device name> light by 90%"
- If the Alexa application shows on/off and a slider, you can set brightness by moving the slider or using the voice commands below.
- "Alexa, turn on/off <device name> light"
Support for Motorized Shades:
- "Turn on/off <device name>" (for open/close)
- "Set <device name> to favorite position" or "Set <device name> to preset mode"
Support for Fireplace:
- "Turn on/off <device name>"
- "Turn on/off <device name> light" (if fireplace has light)
Support for any other generic device type (last item in the Device type listing):
- "Turn on/off <device name>"
Moving from Bond Bridge Application to Bond Home and Using an Alexa Enabled Device
If you are moving to the new Bond Home application from our older Bond bridge application, please follow the steps below to make sure the new integration works properly for you.
1. Please leave the (old) Bond Bridge skill enabled for now.
2. Link the (new) Bond Home skill.
3. Ask Alexa to "discover devices".
4. You should notice you now have two devices in Alexa for each device in Bond, with one of them starting with "DELETE ME".
5. Disable the (old) Bond Bridge skill.
6. Delete all the "DELETE ME" devices from the Alexa app.
NOTE: If you already disabled the old Bond Bridge skill, try re-enabling the old Bond Bridge skill and discovering devices. You should see the "DELETE ME" versions appear. Then continue at step 5 above.
Setting Up and Using Google Home
- In order to connect Google Home and Bond you will need to create an account in the BOND app. If you already have a BOND account, proceed to step 3.
- In the login screen, select “Create account”. Enter your name, a password, and your email.
- Once you have an account go to the Google Home app. (make sure you’re logged in). Click on “+”.
- Select "Set up device".
- Select "Works with Google".
- Select search.
- Type Bond into the search bar and click the search button.
- Select “Bond Home”. (DO NOT USE Bond Smart Home.)
- You should be prompted to enter your Bond user and password to authenticate the Bond. Once the pairing is complete, your devices should appear.
- Assign the devices to the proper Home and location if requested.
- If the devices do not appear please try the following:
- Restart Google Home and the Bond.
- Unlink and then relink your Bond account to Google Home.
- Download and install any software updates available for Google and Bond.
- Make sure Google Home, the device the Google application is on and the Bond are on a network that has a connection to the Internet.
*If you are still having trouble discovering your devices, please contact us at customerservice@bondhome.io.
***Important Note: How to interact with Google Home***
This LINK provides a full list of supported commands
Support for Ceiling Fans:
- "Turn on/off <device name>"
- "Set <device name> to speed #"
- "Set <device name> to low/medium/high"
- "Set <device name> speed to <beaufort scale>"
- "Turn on/off <device name> light"
Support for Motorized Shades:
- "Open/Close <device name>"
- "Set <device name> to preset position"
Support for Fireplace:
- "Turn on/off <device name>"
- "Turn on/off <device name> light" (if fireplace has light)
Support for any other generic device type (last item in the Device type listing):
- "Turn on/off <device name>"
Smartthings Application(Integration)
Initial Setup
- If you do not have the Smartthings application, download from the app or play store.
- DO not use the Classic application
- Open the Smartthings application
- Login using your Samsung account information if not currently logged in.
- If you do not have a Samsung account, select Sign in and Create account.
- Once the account is created sign in.
- Select +.
- Select Add device.
- Scroll down and select Bond Home.
- Select Fan/vent.
- Sign into your Bond account using your Bond account email and password.
- Your Bond devices will be displayed and can be assigned to existing rooms or new ones you create.
Creating a schedule
- Select + at the top of the application.
- Select Add automation.
- Select Custom automation.
- Select Add condition.
- Select Time. Time is used as an example.
- Set a time and the days you would like it operate.
- Select Next.
- Select a Add action.
- Select Control Devices.
- Select the Bond devices you would like to control.
- Select Next
- You can select each of the devices to change the action. Setting a fan to speed 3 is an example.
- Select Done.
- Select OK to acknowledge the automation.
You can view the automation by selecting the drop down menu at the left of the application.
***Note*** When controlling shades on will open or move the shade up and off will close or move the shade down.
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