(Bond Bridge & Pro) Setting up non smart fans, lights, and generic devices

Want to add your non smart light, ceiling fan or generic device through the Bond Home application?  This is a simple process of following our application instructions.  We have outline the basic steps for the process below.  The Bond Bridge and Pro support RF frequencies in the 300-450MHZ range.



Important Note: Please make sure that the physical remote controls the device before programming to your Bond Bridge or Bond Bridge Pro.

  1. Select + located at the top right for iOS and bottom center for Android.
  2. Select Light
  3. Select No, My device is not smart, I need a Bridge 
  4. Choose your Bond.
    1. If a Bridge is not compatible, you will not be able to select it.
  5. Select Somfy Light.
  6. Set Device Name & location.
    1. Location is used to indicate where the device is located.  You can use one from the existing list or select other and create your own.
    2. Device Name  is used to name the device.  Each device in the Bond Home application needs to be unique.  Please remember that this name is also used in integrations so it should be easy to remember and pronounce.
  7. Select Continue.
  8. Press the pair button on the remote which on most Somfy remotes it is on the back. 
    1. The light should blink.
  9. Select Continue.
  10. Press pair in the Bond Home application.
    1. The light should blink.
  11. Select Yes.
  12. Test the controls and select Done.


  1. Select + located at the top right for iOS and bottom center for Android.
  2. Select Light
  3. Select No, My device is not smart, I need a Bridge 
  4. Choose your Bond for Non (SBB) Smart devices.
      1. If a Bridge is not compatible, you will not be able to select it.
  5. If not using Somfy, Select other and follow the application instructions.
      1. This method supports turning the light on and off and toggle.  Please note if the RF remote for the light has a single button for on and off, please use toggle when programming the Bond with your remote.
  6. Set Device Name & location.
      1. Location is used to indicate where the device is located.  You can use one from the existing list or select other and create your own.
      2. Device Name  is used to name the device.  Each device in the Bond Home application needs to be unique.  Please remember that this name is also used in integrations so it should be easy to remember and pronounce.

  7. Select Continue.

  8. Choose the button that you want to program the Bond for.  You will have to do all of the controls that your light remote has.  Please note that if your light only has a single button, use toggle.

    *** Important Notes***

    The Bond Bridge Pro does not support IR.  If your remote is an IR remote, please select “Advanced Settings”, change Signal Type to IR and click Save.


  9. Begin the scanning process on the application by following the on-screen instructions and selecting Start.
  10. Aim your remote at the Bond and press the button repeatedly until the Bond center ring light turns green.  Please have the remote about 2 feet away from the Bond.
  11. When the system displays the test, test if it works. If so, click yes.
  12. Repeat Step 6 through 9 until all functions are programmed.
  13. Select “Use this remote”.
  14. Select Done.


Important Note: Please make sure that the physical remote controls the device before programming to your Bond Bridge or Bond Bridge Pro.

Adding a new device with a remote)

  1. Select to add a device.
    Android                          iOS
  2. Choose a device.  We are using ceiling fan in this example.
    1. Ceiling fan and Light will have an additional option for Smart and Non Smart.  Select No, My device is not smart, I need a Bridge  to have the Bridge duplicate your remote signals. 
    2. All other devices and smart fans and lights will start the adding device process in the application.
  3. Choose your Bond for Non (SBB) Smart devices.
    1. If a Bridge is not compatible, you will not be able to select it.
  4. Set Device Name & location.
    1. Location is used to indicate where the device is located.  You can use one from the existing list or select other and create your own.
    2. Device Name  is used to name the device.  Each device in the Bond Home application needs to be unique.  Please remember that this name is also used in integrations so it should be easy to remember and pronounce.

  5. Select Continue.

  6. Choose the function/button that best represents the function of your remote to be programmed into the bond – i.e. Power On/Off, Speed, Light, etc.

    *** Important Notes***

    The Bond Bridge Pro does not support IR.  If your remote is an IR remote, please select “Advanced Settings”, change Signal Type to IR and click Save.


  7. Begin the scanning process on the application by following the on-screen instructions and selecting Start.


  1. Aim your remote at the Bond and press the button repeatedly until the Bond center ring light turns green.  Please have the remote about 2 feet away from the Bond.

  2. Once the Bond center ring lights turn blue, you will be asked to choose your remote from a list of remotes that matched the signal. Test them and select the best fit.

  3. Select “Use this remote”.

  4. Select Done.

*** Important note ***

If you were unable to program your remote please try the following:

  1. Try changing the remote batteries.
  2. Instead of repeatedly pressing the function, try pressing and holding the function.
  3. Get closer (1 foot) or further away (4 feet) from the Bond and try again.
  4. Try pointing the remote directly at the Bond front or sides when recording.
    1. The front part of the Bond unit is opposite the USB port.
  5. Go back to step 7 for choosing a command and try recording a different function.
  6. If unsuccessful, power cycle the Bond by unplugging it, and plugging it back in after 30 seconds.
  7. If you are still unable to program your remote, please contact us at customerservice@bondhome.io.


Generic Device

The steps below provide instructions on how to use the Generic Device for a remote.

Important Note: Please make sure that the physical remote controls the device before programming to your Bond Bridge or Bond Bridge Pro.

Remote frequency detected by Bond Bridge

  1. In the Bond Home application select + which is located bottom center in the Android application and top right in the iOS application.
  2. Select Generic device.
  3. Choose the Bond Bridge you want this Generic device added to.
  4. Specific Information about your Generic Device.
    1. Select Location and choose from one of the predefined entries or add your own by selecting OTHER. When finished select Save.
    2. Select Device Name and enter the name for your device. When finished select OK to save.
      1. Please note that this name will be used for integrations so a simple easy to remember name is best.
  5. Select Continue.
  6. Choose the function to program.
  7. From the Add Functions screen, select Advanced settings.
  8. Select Signal type. ***The Bridge Pro is only RF***
  9. Choose RF or IR based on your remote
    1. If IR select IR and proceed to step 11
    2. If RF
      1. Make sure auto for the frequency is selected.
      2. Make sure Search remote database is on.
  10. Select Save.
  11. Press Start or next in the Bond Bridge application to start reading the signal.
  12. Press and release your remote's button you selected in step 7 above until the Bond Bridge center ring flashes green.
  13. When the system displays the test, test if it works. If so, click yes.
  14. Repeat Step 7 through 14 until all functions are programmed.
  15. Click Done.

Remote RF frequency NOT detected by Bond Bridge

  1. In the Bond Home application select + which is located bottom center in the Android application and top right in the iOS application.
  2. Select Generic Device.
  3. Choose the Bond Bridge you want this Generic device added to.
  4. Specific Information about your Generic Device.
    1. Select Location and choose from one of the predefined entries or add your own by selecting OTHER. When finished select Save.
    2. Select Device Name and enter the name for your device. When finished select OK to save.
      1. Please note that this name will be used for integrations so a simple easy to remember name is best.
  5. Select Continue.
  6. Choose the function to program.
  7. From the Add Functions screen, select Advanced settings.
  8. Select Signal type. ***The Bridge Pro is only RF***
  9. Choose RF.
  10. Select Auto for frequency.  This will allow you to enter the frequency the bond bridge is trying to record.
  11. Enter your remote RF frequency.  If there is information already entered, please backspace to remove first.
    1. The FCCID is generally located on the back of the remote.
    2. To see if the remote is support by the bond bridge, please go to https://bondhome.io/supported-devices/
    3. If the remote FCCID is not currently in the database, please go to FCCID lookup and enter the FCCID.  Scroll down the page to see the FCCID.  Input that information into step 12 above.
      1. Note - the Bond Bridge and Pro only support frequencies from 300-450MHZ
  12. Make sure Search remote database is OFF.
  13. Select Save.
  14. Press Start or next in the Bond Bridge application to start reading the signal.
  15. Press and release your remote's button you selected in step 7 above until the Bond Bridge center ring flashes green.
  16. When the system displays the test, test if it works. If so, click yes.
  17. Repeat Step 7 through 17 until all functions are programmed.
  18. Select Done.
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