(Bond Bridge Pro) Integrating with Screen Innovations TRO.Y

Integrating the Bond Bridge Pro with the Screen Innovations TRO.Y unit.

The Bond Bridge Pro configured with Branding for Screen Innovations will be using a BBP in conjunction with the TRO.Y hardware unit. TRO.Y will interact with the Bond Bridge Pro allowing the TRO.Y devices to be controlled in the Bond Home application. Natively, the BBP will not be using the Olibra pairing flow with shades and devices. All of the shades and devices will come over from the integration. This article will show how set up is done.  This is only used by the installers who will need to reach out to Screen Innovations with questions on the TRO.Y unit and Bond for Bond Bridge Pro questions. End users need to reach out to the dealer / installer with questions.

SI setup presentation


Configure Changing Devices Schedules Zigbee Groups

Configuring BBP to Tro.y

  1. Make sure the bond Bridge Pro is setup as normal.  Please see the setup instructions for this procedure.  The configuration is through ethernet not WiFi.
  2. Select the BBP from step 1.
  3. Select Advanced, choose Network info and copy the Ethernet IP address.
  4. Open a browser and enter the IP address from step 3 followed by a back slash and troy
    1. is an example.
  5. Open another browser tab and enter the TRO.Y IP address.
    1. If not familiar with how to get the IP address, please review the TRO.Y manual.
    2. Pages 5 - 6 describe how to do this.
    3. The TRO.Y MAC address can be found on the bottom of the unit, package box and instruction manual.  Example from box is below.
  6. Once the TRO.Y page loads select Integration Settings.
  7. Select Telnet/Jason Server Settings
  8. The following settings need to be set.
    1. Select TCP
    2. Enter the port, 23 is the default.
    3. Enter a user name and password.
  9. Select Submit
  10. Return to the tab with the BBP IP address
    1. Select Enabled
    2. Enter the port information, defaults to 23.
    3. Enter username and password from step 10 above.
    4. Select Save.
  11. Restart the BPP.  The method depends on how the unit receives power.  If POE just unplug and plug back in the PoE connector.  If Ethernet and power adapter, unplug and re-plug the power adapter connector.
  12. Once the BBP is connected (solid blue center ring), go back to the TRO.Y browser tab.
  13. Select System Settings
  14. Select Restart
    1. If a new shade or router is added after this point, just use the system restart button in TRO.Y system settings to push the new devices into the BBP.
  15. Setup is now complete.
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